Behaviour – the Psychological part of business
It all comes down to Behaviour. Understanding, Managing and Inspiring people to create results: People, Psychology, Physiology & Performance.
The first key to success has to do with leadership, culture and communication. As we could see in the “PLAN”, this is usually where the biggest problems lie in a company: “Lack of clear and engaging goals”. With ambiguity in goals, leadership and communication, we stress the organization and the brain. Our brain needs clear goals so as not to stress itself out. The more we clarify this and train our leaders in clarity and strength, the more effect, lesser stress and better results.
In this part, we go in depth to see what really drives people inside and outside the organization. We humans are governed by 2 powerful forces that affect our entire lives: avoiding pain and striving to experience pleasure. These associations, that are survival strategies, are based on connections to memory and emotions in our limbic system. This is also where we create and build habits. We have the tools to train you in creating good habits that increase efficacy and increase well-being.
There is not much that matters in life if we do not feel well. This part is about how you feel physically (linked to your mental well-being). We look at how you communicate with yourself and the organization through your body language, how stress is handled and counteracted. We also work with physical health.
Business is about creating results, and to achieve that we have to push for results every day, our own result and other’s. By understanding in depth what drives (and don’t drive) performance, we can increase the impact of our efforts. Unfortunately, there is great ignorance in this area: multitasking is not effective, long meetings are not effective, large open landscapes are not effective (if you don’t do it right) … We have the digital tools to increase performance through our app Remente – a performance management systems used throughout the world, downloaded by more than 1.5 million individuals.
How does is work in reality?
We help you assess where you are today through our proprietory Brainmodel to understand the 12 levers of success. We then assist you and your team with tools and training to get started right away.
How soon can I expect a result?
Often we see results wiithin weeks, big and small. By first understanding where you are, where you want to go, hinders and resources we give the tools for immediate action. Based on working with 200+ companies and millions of users around the globe we know a thing or two about what drives human behavior and success.
What if I am not satsified?
Like with any relationship it all comes down to two parties that want to work towards a cocmmon goal, we know how, but we both need to want to move. If for any reason you want to end the relationship that is no problem. It seldom happens, but then we will both have learned a thing or two.
What is the investment in time and money?
After an initial analysis together we will agree on an investment that suits both needs. We will always offer a program, not a single item workshop. From experience we know that a relationship with one date or a one-time trip to the gym doesn’t do the trick. It is a process, but at that a focused process with clear onbectives. Usually it goes much faster and has better results than what people initially think.